
Bovua Energy is a shareholder in BTG (Bay Terminal Group) which was contracted by COEGA Development Corporation to build and operate a major fuel facility which will replace the Dom PedroTerminal on the TNPA property in Port Elizabeth Harbour.

The tender was awarded to BTG in March 2016. As the current facility is no longer able to meet the needs of the oil majors, BTG engaged consultants to conduct a feasibility study on fuel requirements for the Eastern Cape.

The final design allows for the hosting of both oil majors and smaller BEE oil companies and distributors. Potential business models include a buy/sell option (with BTG purchasing product and selling to customers from their own tanks) and a thru-put option (with customers bringing their own product, storing it at the facility and then withdrawing it as required). In both cases a calculated thru-put fee will be charged.

This modern, automated and extremely safe facility will receive product via ocean tankers for onwards distribution by road. A rail distribution facility has been included as a design option.

The tankfarm will have a total capacity of some 120 000 m3 of the following products:

  • ADO-50
  • ULP95
  • Kerosene
  • Jet-A1
  • Black oil
  • LPG
  • Diesel 50ppm

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